Sunday, June 17, 2012

A town called San Juanito!

Not to posttwo blogs on the same day... but we have SO MUCH NEWS!!!

Site placement was on Friday! Laurenand Alex are stationed in the town of San Juanito in the province ofCoclé! Wow, wow, wow! We are so incredibly excited about it. So far wehave only tidbits of information to share with you all, but by golly,we are going to share:

  • It's a rural, Latino community in the mountains with about 45 houses and 240 people.
  • We are the first Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Health volunteers in the town, but we are getting to follow up 3 other volunteers from the conservation sector (meaning PC has been there since about 2005)
  • There is some electricity in the town (not in our permanent house, but yes in our host family for the first 3 months)
  • There is an aqueduct that provides running water, but there are lots of problems with it (hence, Alex's presence as an EH volunteer)
  • There is a road (meaning 4wd road) into the community that is currently being improved upon.
  • The people are extremely nice, welcoming, and excited about having a volunteer couple.
  • They make really sweet Panamanian sombrero hats!
  • We are excited about the music and dancing scene there and being close to Penonome and the beach at Santa Clara (who knew we would be close to where Lauren's great aunt Irma lived?!?! Crazy!)
  • Lauren has options to work with kids and school gardens and the community is thinking about a fish pond project!
  • The climate is hot, but not too hot and we hear there is more rain there than other parts of Cocle so the area was described to us as “jungle”
Weare so excited to learn more during our site visit coming up onWednesday. We will move most of our stuff on that day, participatein a community entrance conference with our counterparts (these willbe people from San Juanito), and stay for a week in order to get toknow folks in our community and present ourselves. This will involvelots of broken Spanish and hand gestures!

Wecan't tell you how excited we are to get this site and we feel it isa great match for us! Thanks Aimee and Leo (our Peace Corps bosses)and to anyone reading this, get ready for the adventures to come inSan Juanito!!!

And...Happy Father's Day to our fathers and fathers around the world... theword father starts to sound weird if you say it a lot.


Alexand Lauren

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