Friday, June 1, 2012

Everything's louder in Panama.

Loud dump trucks...blaring Spanish music "Chiva! Chiva!" Dog fight...HONK! Chickens...Way too loud Spanish soap operas...BASS! More honking. Birds singing. Weed eaters! ROOSTER. Buses. Men yelling...HONK! Firework! "Cock a doodle dooooooo!" "BUENAS!!" Dogs barking! Motorcycle roar! Pig snorts! Music. LOUD semi! HONK HONK!! Screaming children! Dirt bikes! More honking! Broken fans. BANG! Lizard squeaks. More stupid roosters! Rain on a tin roof. Honk! Loud horrible pop music. Sirens! Rihanna. POP! Did I mention honking?


  1. and yet you haven't asked me to send ear plugs - ?

  2. It is important to understand that in the Third World most driving is done with the horn, or "Egyptian Brake Pedal," as it is known. There is a precise and complicated etiquette of horn use. Honk your horn only under the following circumstances:

    1. When anything blockes the road.

    2. When anything doesn’t.

    3. When anything might.

    4. At red lights.

    5. At green lights.

    6. At all other times.

    -P.J. O’Rourke, Holidays in Hell

    Hahaha so true!! Miss and love you guys!
