Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I pretty much remember exactly when Lauren and I first started talking about doing Peace Corps together.  It was on La Plata (a lovely mountain in Colorado) and we were down-hiking.  Fast forward a while through life and here we are.  Two weeks (or less now) from departure.  Lauren will be the most loveliest Sustainable Agriculture Systems Extension Volunteer ever, but that is just my opinion.  But seriously, I feel lucky and excited to be heading to Panama for all kinds of reasons.  Overall, I don't really have strong expectations about what is going to happen.  Here is a bit about what is in my head.  I feel it is not entirely misguided to hope to learn Spanish (even if we live with an indigenous community), to hope to play futbol, and to hope to learn to use a machete.   Changing the world and making a difference would be nice.  I do expect my OWN world to be changed.  Here is a list of things I would be excited to get up to both in my personal and professional experience in Peace Corps:

- Anything to do with los incendios naturales (forest fires),
- Anything to do with matematicas (mathematics),
- Anything to do with ninos (kids),
- Continuar tocando musica,
- Spend lotsa time with Lauren (because it is really sparse here in the U.S. ... hahahaha!),
- Ver Panama.
- Learn about Environmental Health (as that is my official job description and all)

Now we can compare that list to something else I write later and laugh or have deep thoughts or something.  I hope, through this blog and trips to visit us and post-Peace Corps stories/adventures, that I can lasso ALL of you (big and small... yes Kailey, you too) into this adventure somehow or another!  (Actually Kailey is already in because she wrote me a Panama fact-book that I plan to take with me as an important reference).

Have a good day!  Talk to you in Panama!

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