Goma la gata |
In that same vein, Lauren organized a hike to our local look-out point for some of the girls. It was a great success. They saw a helicopter, ate snacks, and marveled at the view before descending for a swim at the river. Pretty cool outing, Lauren wants to plan more of these mini-trips in the future.
Alex is riding the roller coaster that is being a volunteer. After devoting hours, days, weeks, and months of stress to developing the beginnings of a water project, the whole thing is likely to be called off. To make the longest, most arduous story of Alex's professional life short, Group A wants Group B's water and Group B doesn't want to give it up. All is not lost due to the mountain that Alex learned along the way, but it is a little depressing to see the ship sinking.
We have started up an odd little side project of documentary-making. We have no idea how and if it will turn out, but the basic theme is to capture part of the Coclesano music culture. Geronimo, our host dad, has a musical group called Geronimo Hernandez y Su Conjunto: Orgullo de Mi Tierra, that is Geronimo Hernandez and His Band: Pride of My Land. Alex was particularly struck by their various stories of musical passion in this crazy back-woods campo setting where they live. No one in the group tunes their instruments, nor do they know how to use their sound equipment, but they manage to rock the campo on a regular basis. They arrive at gigs covered in mud with their equipment packed in rented 4 by 4 trucks or on horseback and maintain their image as some of the coolest cats in the campo.
Other than that we have been keeping busy making stoves for folks, passing out our finished community document in snazzy plastic folders, planting a new garden of watermelons and green beans and bell peppers, fixing up a pig pen, learning how to pluck chickens, and riding horses up the mountain. "It's a hiker's paradise here," says Lauren referring to our most recent excursion to a far away hill, which we discovered has a household right on top. The SeƱora there is a regular chatterbox and we had no idea their house even existed! We trekked over to a neighboring community called Papayal to say hi and check in. In the coming couple of weeks we are going to have a community meeting over there to see if we can help out with anything. And... yeah. We'll let you know about the pregnant (?) cat, which is currently devouring butter cookies.
P.S. Just now Lauren saw a coral snake slither across our yard and into a tarantula hole under the cement of our porch. This was not good because the coral snake has one of the most potent venoms in the world. Armed with shovels, sticks, and our neighbors Tony and his brother Manuel we managed to kill it, but not before it creeped us out by slithering in and out of holes under our porch. It is sad to see these creatures, which rarely bite because they are calm, die, but we just can't have them near the house, it is too dangerous. Another day in the life right? Another great save by our San Juanito friends!
P.S.S. For those of you that don't have Facebook and want to check out some more pictures of our adventures, you can follow this link to Lauren's photos.
Oh Maudy. I love you. And Irene you are a good mom. Lauren - you had a great idea to start a girls outing group! You go girl! Alex is not likely to start liking cats. Sorry. I bet Maudy will influence the other 12-year old girls with her knowledge! Wow to Lauren for a Peace Corps. success. Sorry about the water project, Alex dude. You did work hard on that. Good idea to take the music idea and run with it! You guys are doing so great. Love yo.