Thursday, December 13, 2012

Weather Update

December has been a lovely month in Cocle with all kinds of delightful changes in weather, it got SUPER hot and everyone thought the winter, wet season was over, but then it started pouring again. There have been some SUPER nice days in the mix, when the temperature is tolerable and the light is shining and pretty and I feel like I am in some sort of dreamland paradise!

That's the weather. Life has been pretty good too. Pretty slow, but we aren't complaining! The elementary school has closed its doors for the summer, which means the kids will be running wild and free in the jungle for the next three months, which should lead to some mischief. The work season is slowing too almost as if there was a big gasp in the last few months that is now being exhaled forcefully. Our Peace Corps work is chugging along at an equally slow pace. We are idea machines and have all kinds of schemes and plans for great community activities and projects, but the bigger challenge becomes sifting through them all and looking for people and energy to make one or two stick.

I have been a running intermediary, literally jogging at times, between two parties involved in a conversation and using particularly nice water source. On one side is a community who gets hard pressed for water in the summer and on the other is a land owner who is trying to reconcile the kindness in his heart with that little voice in his brain that says, "Stand up for yourself and your family." Whoever said water is gold in these times was right. Being thirsty is no way to live at any time of the year.

We hardly believe it is December. If someone told us it was still May an time had just been joking with us in Panama, we would believe them. The main sticking point has been the weather I guess. One gets used to the four seasons and when they don't change how we feel in our hearts that they should, one feels a little mixed up at times. We miss home for sure, but this remains the adventure of a lifetime! In my opinion, if you only get to go around once, this is a great way to get some kicks and learn about love, life, people, and good ole Mother Earth!

Rock on everybody.

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